At Central, we believe in connecting with Christ and each other.
Here is an overview of some of our small groups that meet regularly:
Adult Bible Studies
Loyal Berean Sunday School Class- Sundays @ 10 AM (Main Floor)
The Way Cafe Sunday School- Sundays @ 10 AM (Fellowship Hall)
Young Adult Sunday School- Sundays @ 10 AM (Fellowship Hall)
Life Groups- meet at various times and locations for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study
Women's Groups
Moms Group- a biweekly meeting for young mothers (2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month)
Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF)- quarterly women’s gathering for dinner/program
Sisters in Christ- women’s group that meets monthly for fellowship and various projects within the church
Friendship Circle- women’s group that meets monthly for fellowship and various projects within the church
Ladies’ Bible Study- Ladies’ morning Bible study group that meets weekly in the spring and fall
Men's Group
Men’s Breakfast- meets monthly for a fellowship breakfast and work projects around the church